President Donald Trump must have "convincing evidence" wiretapping of his phones took place, Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Monday.
"I don't know anything about it other than when I was sitting in the off studio here watching CNN," Kelly told CNN "The Situation Room" host Wolf Blitzer about whether he believed former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump during the presidential campaign. "If the president of the United States said that, he's got his reasons to say it. He's got some convincing evidence that took place."
Ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper refuted the claim by Trump and FBI Director James Comey reportedly asked the Justice Department to reject the president's allegations, though Comey has yet to publicly reject it.
If he did, Kelly would "expect Jim Comey to then turn that over to some investigative arm, and we could get to the truth, or to the bottom line," he said.
"Again, James Comey is an honorable guy. So is the president of the United States. The president must have his reasons."