President Donald Trump cajoled and chastised leaders of conservative think tanks who have expressed deep reservations about the House's new healthcare legislation, CNN reported.
In an Oval Office meeting, Trump told leaders from Heritage, Club for Growth and Tea Party Patriots, to name a few, that their pushback on the American Healthcare Act was "helping the other side," according to CNN.
Further, Trump told the gathering that if the AHCA fails, that he'll let Obamacare fail and then blame Democrats, CNN reported.
Conservatives from all walks — media, Freedom Caucus as well as the think tanks — have blasted the AHCA as "Obamacare Lite." They want to see a clean repeal first, then comprehensive reform legislation.
The AHCA has a reported three-phase rollout that keeps many parts of Obamacare at first but eventually phases in more conservative principles.
One example is the overhaul of Obama's Medicaid funding, designed to roll out in 2020. Conservatives meeting with Trump asked to see that happen in 2018, something the White House "open to discussing," CNN reported.
But Trump made it clear to the group — this is our plan.
"The president expressed that he was open to things that could improve the bill, but was also clear that this is the vehicle — this is the chance to repeal and replace," CNN was told.
The House Ways and Means committee approved the AHCA early Thursday morning.