Donald Trump's campaign returned fire Monday on Sen. Elizabeth Warren —
an outspoken critic who unleashed a withering blast at the GOP presumptive presidential nominee during her first public appearance with Hillary Clinton.
Within hours of the Warren-Clinton event in Ohio, the
campaign issued a statement branding the progressive Massachusetts senator as a "sellout."
"As Clinton tries to salvage support among the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party… Warren has become a turncoat for the causes she supposedly supports," his statement reads.
"Warren's campaigning for Clinton stands in stark contrast to the liberal ideals she once practiced," the statement adds. "This sad attempt at pandering to the Sanders wing is another example of a typical political calculation by D.C. insiders."
The statement charged Clinton has has accepted more than $41 million during the presidential cycle from financial interests, and that Warren is "campaigning for the author of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a deal she has routinely slammed."
In Twitter tirades from the past — and in one just prior to Warren's joint appearance with Clinton — Trump has mocked Warren as "goofy" and "Pocahantas," referring to her claims of a Native American heritage.
But the firebrand Senator hasn't shied away from counter-attacks,
once mocking Trump as "fraudster-in-chief."
Trump is scheduled to deliver a trade-focused speech outside Pittsburgh on Tuesday, in Monessen, Penn.,
Politico reports.