House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that impeaching President Donald Trump is not "a policy agenda" for the Democrats should they win Congress in November.
"There is an investigation," Pelosi, 78, who has represented California since 1987, told Chris Cuomo in a CNN Town Hall. "If it takes its course, let it take its course.
"I do not think that impeachment is a policy agenda."
In January, 66 House Democrats, over a third of the caucus, voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump, The New York Times reports, and billionaire donor Tom Steyer has long pushed the issue in television ads.
Republicans, in turn, are using the impeachment possibility in their midterm campaigns.
Pelosi, who has said she will seek to be House speaker if the Democrats take back the chamber this fall, said that legislators should focus on such "unifying" issues as reducing the influence of money in politics, "which changes the revolving door of lobbyists coming in and out of government."
"Let's focus on things like that, that I think are unifying for the American people," she told Cuomo.
"Impeachment is, to me, divisive.
"If the facts are there, the facts are there, then this would have to be bipartisan to go forward.
"But if it is viewed as partisan, it will divide the country — and I just don't think that is what we should do."