The Donald Trump campaign sent out a poll to his followers Wednesday seeking input on bringing up scandals in his next presidential debate with Democrat Hillary Clinton.
"The next debate against Hillary Clinton is just 11 days away," an email to supporters linking to the poll read. "I need your immediate feedback from the first debate in order to win the second one."
Trump's campaign has sent out a series of online questionnaires to supporters since August. The current poll comes on the heels of the first debate in which some of Trump's own backers say he did not spend enough time attacking Clinton over her past scandals.
Among the questions supporters are asked to answer are:
- On the subject of Hillary’s emails, should Trump have brought up the fact that Hillary jeopardized our national security?
- Should Trump have brought up the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play schemes?
- Should Trump have brought up Hillary’s failure in Benghazi as a disqualification for the presidency?
- Should Trump have called out Hillary’s massive Wall Street fundraising and the paid speeches that she refuses to release to the public?
- When discussing cybersecurity, should Trump bring up Hillary’s unsecured secret server left vulnerable to hackers?
- Should Trump attack Hillary for referring to tens of millions of American men and women as "deplorables"?
Other questions ask which issue was Trump's strongest in the first debate and what he should focus on in the next debate. The poll asks which of Trump's own strengths he should emphasize and which of Clinton's weaknesses he should attack her on.