Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker met with Donald Trump on Thursday at the request of the governor and the two had a general conversation about the direction of the country in advance of possible bids by both men for the 2016 presidency.
According to Politico, Trump described the 45-minute meeting as "enjoyable" and said the discussion focused on "where the country is going" and "how poorly we're perceived throughout the world."
Trump also told Politico that he is considering his own run for president in 2016 "very, very seriously." He said he will decide either way in around June.
Walker's spokeswoman confirmed the meeting, Politico said.
Trump has met with numerous potential 2016 GOP candidates, including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
"Everybody's asking for my support, but I have my own decision to make," Trump told Politico. "I know 'em all, and I like many of them, but I have to make my decision."
Trump has supported Walker financially in the past, sending the maximum donation of $10,000 for his re-election campaign last year. He also sent the Wisconsin Club for Growth $15,000 in 2012 when the group was leading the successful effort to defeat the effort to recall Walker.
Trump said he admired Walker's willingness to take on public unions in Wisconsin.
"I think he's going to be a very interesting candidate," Trump told Politico. "I believed what he was doing was the right thing."
Trump also criticized former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for his position on Common Core and his comment last year that people who enter the United States illegally do it as "an act of love" for their families,
according to Politico.
He also told Politico that he has an ambitious travel schedule to early primary states in the coming months. On Sunday, he will speak at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, and next month he will be in Iowa for an agriculture summit and to address a county GOP dinner. He will also visit New Hampshire in March and return to Iowa in May, Politico reported.
"People tend not to think I'm going to run," he told Politico. "So I may surprise a lot of people if I do."
Trump has taken an interest in commenting on
developing world events, most recently describing the beheadings of the Coptic Christians by the Islamic State "like living in medieval times."