President Donald Trump sent out a tweet upon arriving back in Washington on Sunday anticipating a busy week ahead.
Trump is expected to head to Capitol Hill on Tuesday as part of his attempt to convince senators to pass the GOP tax legislation, The Hill reported.
Earlier this month, the House passed its version of the Republican legislation, but the Senate plan is facing a more difficult path.
With only a 52-48 margin in the Senate, if more than two Republicans fail to back the plan, than it will not pass, as no Democrats are expected to vote for it.
Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson already announced last week that he opposes the bill and several other GOP senators have not yet said if they will support the legislation, according to ABC News.
The network said that those GOP senators who are undecided include Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, John McCain and Lisa Murkowski.
It was the president’s second tweet on his way back from spending Thanksgiving and the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Fla., with his family.
A few hours earlier on Twitter he praised what he said were his economic achievements and criticism for Democrats for continuing to use Russia as an excuse why they lost last year’s presidential election.
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