A prominent Donald Trump supporter "to the bitter end here" said the Republican nominee watches too much TV and needs blinders to channel his focus in an effective campaign.
"Donald Trump created this crisis," Ed Rollins, co-chair of a super PAC backing Trump, told Fox News' "Kilmeade & Friends" on Wednesday.
Audio was posted onto SoundCloud by BuzzFeed.
"I think one of Donald Trump’s singular difficulties with this campaign is that he sits and watches TV all day long and feels he has to react to every single thing that's said against him," Rollins said.
Rollins admitted Trump has not only lost momentum from his positive Republican National Convention speech, but he is his own worst enemy right now with the fires he is starting as a result of his off-the-cuff comments. The co-chairman compared the campaigning Trump to a racehorse that cannot stay on track and needs blinders.
"We need to put a blinder on Donald Trump and his focus needs to be strictly on Mrs. Clinton — and any other Republican, he just leaves alone," Rollins said.
"So far he is making a case against himself and very little against his opponent."