President Donald Trump vows to continue his fight against the push to declare Joe Biden the president elect, saying "some of the states got rigged and robbed from us."
"It's not over, we're going to keep going, we're going to continue to go forward," Trump told Fox News' "Fox & Friends."
Trump noted "the election was rigged – by the Democrats," and specifically "local Democrats, they outsmarted state Republicans."
"Essentially, in five or six states, the local people who run it, rigged the election," Trump said.
Adding later "What happened to this country, we were like a third-world country."
Trump rejected the certified elections in key battleground states Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, calling the latter's GOP Gov. Brian Kemp "worse than a Democrat."
Trump did admit the time is a challenge, noting Jan. 6 is when the House receives the electoral college vote envelopes from Monday's official votes in each state capitol.
"We're going to speed it up as much as we can, but you can only go so fast," Trump told Brian Kilmeade at the Army-Navy football game Saturday. "They give us very little time. But we caught them, as you know, as fraudulent, dropping ballots, doing so many things, nobody can even believe it. Dead people voting. All far greater than the number of votes we need."
Trump added he is continuing his fight to avoid the country having an "illegitimate president," decrying the fact the U.S. Supreme Court rejects his legal challenge as having "standing."
"I'm president of the United States; I just got 75 million votes," Trump said. "The biggest number of votes in the history of our country even gotten by a sitting president."