Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday if reports are true former President George H.W. Bush, a Republican, plans to vote for Hillary Clinton, "he's right."
Warren made the remark during a conference call with the media, according to Business Insider.
"I think he's right to support Hillary Clinton," Warren said.
"In my view, it's not a hard question. Donald Trump should get nowhere near the White House. Hillary Clinton is hardworking, well qualified, and she has run on a very progressive agenda. I feel it's my job and the job of a lot of people across this country to help her get elected and help her be a successful president based on that agenda."
Bush reportedly told Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend he will go against his party in November and vote for the Clinton-Kaine ticket. So far, there has been no confirmation who Bush will vote for.
Both former presidents named Bush are staying out of this presidential election because of their ill feelings toward having Republican Donald Trump in the race. They have not publicly commented on the election and said they will not do so moving forward.
Neither one of them attended the Republican National convention in July. George W. Bush reportedly told former aides in April he is "worried that I will be the last Republican president."