Sen. Elizabeth Warren has launched a scathing attack on her Republican colleagues — saying they have spent years "nurturing the extremism" that has allowed Donald Trump and Ted Cruz become the top candidates for the GOP presidential nomination.
Writing in Friday's
Boston Globe, the Massachusetts senator charges that since President Barack Obama took office, the GOP has "rejected his legitimacy and abused the rules of the Senate in an all-out effort to cripple the government under his leadership."
"They refused to try to make government better — opting instead to try to shut down government altogether rather than to accept a functioning government led by someone they didn't like," Warren writes.
"[They] embraced the idea that government shouldn't work at all unless it works only for themselves and their friends."
One example is the Senate's foot-dragging on Merrick Garland, the moderate Obama nominated to replace Antonin Scalia, a staunch conservative, on the Supreme Court, according to Warren.
"The president has done his job, as directed by our Constitution — but Republican senators refuse to do theirs," she writes.
Claiming the GOP establishment has bowed to party extremists, Warren urges, "Show some courage and put that oath ahead of party politics. Do your job — and start by considering the president's nomination to the Supreme Court."