Donald Trump's pivot from an all-out moratorium on Muslim immigration to a ban on people from countries with known terror ties comes from his desire to keep the country safe, his son,
Eric Trump, said Monday.
Trump said Saturday while promoting his newest golf course in Scotland that he would not be concerned about someone who is Muslim who lives in England or Scotland coming to the United States.
The difference, Eric Trump told Fox News Channel's
"On the Record with Greta Van Susteren," is that people of the Muslim faith from Scotland can be vetted. That isn't so easy with Syrian refugees because documentation can be forged by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists who have seized passport machines in Syria.
"The CIA and ISIS quite frankly have said that they have infiltrated Syrian refugees," Eric Trump said. "You can't vet those people."
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee wants to prevent another attack like Orlando or San Bernadino, Eric Trump said.
"You have good people coming into the United States, safe people coming into the United States," he said. "That's all part of his message. Most of all he wants to keep America safe."