After Congress avoided a slide down the fiscal cliff, the American public is split on whether the deal struck by legislators is a good or bad one,
according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll.
Rasmussen found in their latest poll that Americans also expect taxes to go up on the middle class in 2013, and that Congress will most likely not cut spending.
Forty-six percent of Americans either strongly approve or somewhat approve of the cliff deal, while another 46 percent strongly or somewhat disapprove of it. Eight percent weren’t sure whether the deal was a good or bad one.
Exactly 50 percent of respondents said they expect middle class taxes to go up in 2013. Twenty-nine percent said they would not, and 21 percent weren’t sure what is going to happen.
In terms of spending, 48 percent expect government spending to increase in 2013, 32 percent think it will stay the same, and just 9 percent think it may actually go down.
Only 27 percent of the poll’s participants think legislators and President Barack Obama will reach an agreement on long-term spending limits as well, leaving 68 percent of the country to say they don’t think a long-term agreement will happen this year.
Rasmussen interviewed 1,000 people for the poll, which was conducted Jan. 2, one day after the fiscal cliff deal was passed by Congress and sent to the President for his signature. The margin of error is 3 percent.