Conservative pollster Frank Luntz warned on Sunday that Republicans are in danger of losing both chambers of Congress — placing some of the blame on President Donald Trump.
In remarks to Fox News' "Media Buzz," if elections were held today, it'd be a wipeout for the GOP.
Video of the interview was posted first on The Hill.
"I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well," he said "If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both."
"If Donald Trump wants to keep a Republican Congress, he has to differentiate when he's attacking Congress in general versus the Republicans in Congress. Differentiate when he's attacking the press versus when he feels he's not getting a fair shake," he continued.
Luntz said that while the economy has done well, the president largely has not gotten credit for it, suggesting Trump could draw more attention to his successes by tweeting less and focusing on the economy rather than attacking the press or other lawmakers.