Investigators "always profile," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, responding to Donald Trump's call Sunday to
profile Muslims, but profiling should be "based on hard facts that lead to the protection of the public," not on race, religion or sexual orientation.
"We always profile," Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney, told
Fox News' "America's Newsroom" program. "You could call me up and say a six-foot-two man with blonde hair and blue eyes is the killer, I profile white men with blue eyes and look for him."
And when there is a larger group described, "Then I start to look for the group," such as if the KKK was in New York City, the former mayor said. "Profiling happens. That's the motive; he [Orlando killer Omar Mateen] announced the motive."
But it's wrong to profile based on race, religion or sexual orientation, "just because you don't like them," said Giuliani. "But if you're doing it on hard facts that lead to protection of the public ... of course you should profile based on hard facts."
The facts were given on Mateen's 911 call, Guilidan said, and even though
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Sunday that the calls will be edited before they are released to omit his pledge to the Islamic State and prevent ISIS propaganda, Giuliani, opposed that step.
"We're doctoring a transcript," he said. "This is very, very dangerous what they're doing. It's dangerous and leads to more attacks. The more that you pull back, the more that they push ahead."
Also on Monday, the former mayor complained about gun control measures that will come up for a vote in Congress, saying that it is sending the wrong message to vote so soon after the Orlando killings a week ago.
"Vote on them a month from now, but the problem is that it's not a gun control issue," said Giuliani. "This is an issue of Islamic extremist, terrorism. We have had four [terror attacks], with knives, box cutters, bombs. "
Further, said Giuliani, the reality behind the upcoming vote on Monday is to change the "reality" that President Barack Obama is weak.
"In the last four and five months they have had more terror attacks than we have had since I don't know when," said Giuliani, who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. "His weakness is unbelievable. He refused to identify the enemy and he refused to do anything for five years."