More than half of all negative ads this presidential primary season have been against GOP front-runner Donald Trump, according to an analysis by
The New York Times.
A total of $132 million has been spend on negative ads, and almost $70 million of that was spent on attack ads against Trump, the Times reported, citing data from Kantar Media/CMAG.
"The sharp focus on a single candidate is especially surprising given the race’s exceptionally large number of primary contenders," the Times noted.
Trump has created lots of enemies with his outsider campaign. He has been hit not only by his fellow Republicans, but also by three GOP super PACS, Club for Growth, Our Principles PAC and the American Future Fund. None are supporting a particular candidate.
And Hillary Clinton, expected to be the Democrats' nominee in the fall, released a Trump attack on Monday.
"What is unusual and unprecedented is the array of advertisers who are out there flogging Trump on the air," Elizabeth Wilner of Kantar Media/CMAG, said. "You have general election foes attacking him, you have his primary foes attacking him, and you have specific groups whose whole focus in life is just to make sure that he's not the nominee."