The final tally of Bernie Sanders' rise from obscurity is a Democratic platform being
touted by the Washington Post as the "most progressive ever."
Or, in other words — radical.
The Democratic National Committee Platform Committee emerged from Orlando last week with an approved draft to present at the convention in late July. While the Post opines that the platform doesn't go far enough to have won the "political revolution," the GOP is licking its lips at the fact that Sanders kicked Hillary Clinton out of the political mainstream,
Politico reported.
"As the party's soon-to-be-official nominee, Secretary Clinton now owns these radical policies and their consequences on our country," reads a primer titled "The Sanders Manifesto,"
first obtained by Politico. "She has no choice, as poll after poll have shown disgruntled Sanders supporters are unwilling to support her without major concessions."
The primer, authored by the conservative research firm America Rising Squared, reports Politico, detailed four talking points of issues Sanders pushed for that forced Clinton way left:
1. Energy
2. Minimum wage
3. Health care
4. Education
Regarding minimum wage, the Post lauds the committee's decision to adopt Sanders' stance on it, writing "these policies represent a first step toward more humane rules around the workplace."
Not so, says the primer.
"This overreaching policy would hurt the key workers it's intended to help, resulting in over 6 million job losses."
It all adds up to the lasting legacy of a heretofore no-name senator from Vermont.
"One only needs to read the Democrat Party Platform approved this weekend to know that Hillary Clinton has sold the farm for the endorsement of the Democrats' true ideological leaders — Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren," America Rising Squared executive director Brian Rogers said in a statement to Politico. "That document completes the avowed socialist Sanders' quest to push his party far to the left, endorsing the most serious attack on the American free enterprise system in our nation's recent history."