Hillary Clinton's campaign manager insisted presidential debate moderators should fact-check Donald Trump during their match-ups, saying Sunday it is "unfair" for the Democratic nominee to have "spend the debate correcting the record."
In an interview on ABC News' "This Week," Robby Mook said Clinton "should be given time to talk about what she wants to do."
"All we're asking is if Donald Trump lies, it's pointed out," Mook said Sunday – on the eve of the candidates' first face-off. "It's unfair to ask for Hillary to play traffic cop for Trump. Make sure his lies are corrected . . .
"We think this debate is a fantastic opportunity for her to present not just what she is going to do to make a difference in people's lives, but she has a long history of getting this done."
Mook also said polls showing Clinton's slipping numbers don't indicate a loss of support.
"These contests are always very close," he said, adding: "in your own poll, you didn't actually show Hillary losing any support, it was Donald Trump consolidating some of his base."
"I still think that we can win this election by a wide margin, but Hillary pointed out we're all going to have to work hard to get that message out," Mook said. "There’s a lot of noise out there."