Lawyers for Hillary Clinton filed a motion Tuesday to intervene in a lawsuit demanding a hand recount of the presidential vote in Wisconsin.
Clinton "respectfully supports the issuance of an order requiring a manual recount of all ballots cast in the presidential election in Wisconsin," Clinton's lawyer Joshua Kaul wrote, arguing manual recounts are superior to recounts conducted by machines, the Cap Times in Madison, Wis., reported.
The lawsuit in which Clinton is asking to be a part of was originally filed Monday by Green Party candidate Jill Stein after the Wisconsin Elections Commission declined to require county officials conduct the recount by hand.
In her recount petition, Stein alleged some electronic voting machines in Wisconsin are "susceptible to compromise," the Cap Times reported, and she suggested there were "irregularities" in the state's vote totals that "indicate potential tampering with electronic voting systems."
Stein received about 31,000 votes in Wisconsin, where president-elect Donald Trump defeated Clinton by about 22,000 votes, the Cap Times reported.
According to, Clinton's motion appears to be a change of strategy.
Over the weekend Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias explained in a blog post they would only monitor the recount and participate in order to "ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides."
A recount must be certified by Dec. 13 to guarantee the state's electoral college votes are counted, reported.