Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in May cut back on spending, building up a stockpile of $42 million cash for her general election fight with Republican Donald Trump,
USA Today reports.
Clinton spent only $14 million in May, down from $24 million in April. She now has the most available cash she has had all election cycle, and she has used $23.3 million of it to fund ads against Trump in eight key swing states where Trump has yet to have a TV presence,
NBC News reports.
Trump, meanwhile, has less than $2 million.
The New York Times reported Monday night that he is facing the largest financial gap in modern campaign history.
Trump "enters the general election campaign laboring under the worst financial and organizational disadvantage of any major party nominee in recent history, placing both his candidacy and party in political peril," the Times wrote.
"Mr. Trump began June with just $1.3 million in cash on hand, a figure more typical for a campaign for the House of Representatives than the White House, and trailed Hillary Clinton by more than $41 million, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission late Monday."
The May numbers come from Clinton's campaign filing on Monday, according to USA Today. Trump's campaign must filed by midnight, but had not done so at the time of the report.
Clinton trimmed her massive staff in May, but it still was her largest expenditure, at $2.4 million. That was followed by travel costs at $2.1 million.