Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean on Friday said it was a "big fat lie" that the organization rigged the 2016 primary in Hillary Clinton's favor, tweeting, "no one has said the primaries were rigged."
Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who when directly asked if she agreed with the notion that it was rigged, responded, "Yes."
The reactions continue to roll in after Thursday's bombshell excerpt from former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile's new book, coming out next week, which shed light on the formal arrangement struck in August 2015 between Team Hillary and the DNC to give Clinton operational control of the party.
In return, Clinton's massive fundraising prowess — along with weak campaign finance laws — would bail the DNC out of its debt, caused by the horrible stewardship of former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Brazile wrote.