Newsflash for the Huntsman for President campaign: your guy's name is spelled Jon, not John.
Apparently for the second time in several weeks, campaign materials have been sent out misspelling the candidate's first name.
Huntsman is expected back in New Hampshire and is battling some glitches in his campaign, including the departure of some staffers and the now-infamous name misspellings, says
ABC News.
And some campaign materials misquoted a story written about the candidate by the Wall Street Journal.
The mailer quotes the newspaper as calling Huntsman “The Conservative Problem Solver.” The article was actually quoted Huntsman himself: “When people look at what we’ve done,” he says, “they’re going to say, ‘He’s a conservative problem solver.’ I’m going to point people in the direction of what we’ve done as governor. I’m pro-life, strongly pro-Second Amendment. I think there are enough voters who will say, ‘I may not like everything, but there’s enough here to like.’”