Despite Democrats suffering significant losses in Tuesday's midterm elections, tabloid talk-show host and ex-Cincinnati mayor Jerry Springer told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" the positive takeaway was that "liberals always win" when it comes to issues.
"The good news is that, despite the setbacks that those of us [saw] on the left side of the political continuum — we had setbacks. Over time, liberals always win," Springer said Friday. "If you look at America over the last 75, 100 years, every major issue that we're kind of proud now that is mainstream, that we talk about, every one, in the beginning the conservatives fought it, and, ultimately, liberals won."
Springer said that on the civil rights, gay rights, women's equality, and environmental movements, as well as Social Security and Medicare, originally "conservatives fought it, and, ultimately, liberals won."
"Everything, in the beginning, the liberals are the crazy, lefty, long-haired pinkos. But in the end, it's mainstream America," he said.
Because fewer people voted in off-year elections, Springer said Republicans usually won because "congressional lines have been drawn by conservative Republican state legislatures." But, in presidential election years, he said the outcomes favored Democrats, because "more Americans are Democrats than Republicans."
"When everybody votes, Democrats win. When fewer people vote, Republicans win. That has historically been the case," he said.
Springer found it "unfathomable" and "totally stupid" that Democratic candidates did not embrace President Barack Obama in the midterm elections, because liberals had won on so many issues since the president took office, including Obamacare, the auto industry bailout, and the economic stimulus.
"Everything that we wanted in the last six years has really come about," he said. "We're in better shape than we were six years ago."
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