Congress should finish a full report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, said Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
"I hope we can all go back to Washington next week and say 'Hey, it's in everybody's interest, including in Donald Trump's interest, that we get one solid, comprehensive report finished,'" Himes said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day."
"I am sure it is going to mean that the Democrats want to see more witnesses than the Republicans are seeing, but that should be something we can negotiate because it's very much, certainly in the American people's interest, in everybody's else's interests, to get one solid, comprehensive report where the Congress is speaking with one voice on what Russia did to us," Himes said.
"This is serious business . . . this investigation should not be ended when there are still very many significant and open questions," Himes said.
In a Tuesday interview, Himes said that Democrats are talking about releasing a minority report on how Republicans have tried to impede the Russia investigation.
"If the investigation gets wound up too quickly, the minority report would be largely about outstanding questions that were never examined," Himes said Tuesday in an interview with told Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent.
"It would be a tragedy if the report has a minority section that says, 'Look, we wanted to talk to these two dozen witnesses and weren't able to do so,'" Himes said in the Post interview.