Secretary of State John Kerry said that Russia continues to launch cyber attacks against American targets.
"They are continuing to do it in places, yes," Kerry said, in an interview that aired Wednesday morning on "CBS This Morning."
Co-host Charlie Rose asked if the U.S. also engages in cyber attacks on Russia.
"They assume that we do, and they think we do, but not the same kind of thing, no," Kerry said.
"What's different?" Rose asked.
"There is a lot of cyber back and forth in the world probing certain governmental entities, etc. That's quite different from, I think — understanding defenses in order to be able to protect yourself and so forth. I think that invading the premises of cyberspace of the national party committees is … way beyond," Kerry said.
After the interview aired, Rose said that Kerry told him the hacking of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's email was "particularly malicious."
Kerry declined to say whether President Barack Obama has finished the retaliation against Russia that he promised, according to Rose.
At the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on Tuesday, the secretary of state made one of his final speeches in the job, according to TV station WBAL-TV.
During the Naval Academy speech, Kerry was asked about engaging in cyber warfare against ISIS. He said that one strategy that has proven effective was using people who were previously Jihadis to spread the word against ISIS. They "realized the emptiness of what they were asked to do," Kerry said.