Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said Wednesday that her meeting with Donald Trump on Tuesday will not end with her being named his vice presidential running mate.
"I made that very clear to him that I'm focused on Iowa. I feel that I have a lot more to do in the United States Senate," the 46-year-old first-term senator
said in an interview with Politico. "I'm just getting started here. I have a great partner with Chuck Grassley, we’ve been able to accomplish a lot. And I think that President Trump will need some great assistance in the United States Senate and I can provide that."
Ernst said she will support her party's nominee by offering him strategic advice on how to win her home state.
"I will probably participate more as an advocate," she said. I would love to assist him out on the trail."
Ernst has been seen as one of a few people on Trump's short list for vice president, especially considering their private meeting on Tuesday and
she is scheduled to speak at this month's GOP convention where Trump is set to be nominated.
But Ernst told Politico she favors Indiana Gov. Mike Pence for the V.P. slot because of his mix of executive and legislative experience.
"He is so well rounded, served as a governor and I think he's a great conservative," she said. "So I don’t think he could go wrong."
The Washington Post reported earlier Wednesday that
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker has withdrawn his name from consideration.