Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., suggested Thursday that congressional Republicans should put the opposition in a "bad spot" by adding funding for border security to the upcoming vote on increasing the debt ceiling, Politico reports.
"Let's take some hard votes," he said on Hugh Hewitt's radio show. "Let's make Democrats say no to raise the debt ceiling, no to funding the troops, no to helping veterans, see how many of them break. And I don't know why we don't do that. And I think that's what President Trump is saying."
Unless Congress votes to raise the debt ceiling, the U.S. will reach its borrowing limit in two months, which could bring about another economic recession.
Although the White House have voiced support for raising the debt ceiling without attaching anything to challenge Democrats, Republicans are still debating whether to demand funding for the wall.
"We should use our majority in a clever way," Graham said. "So if you had putting the country at default and building a wall, so that's like 0 for 2. Nobody wants us to default on the debt, and almost everybody wants to secure the border. That's a pretty good combination."
"The president is not crazy to attack the Congress. He's not crazy to think of ways to put Democrats in a bad spot regarding the debt ceiling. They do this all the time to us."