Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Friday the Affordable Care Act was designed with one goal in mind: making Americans dependent on the government for health insurance.
"Obamacare was designed to collapse," Graham said on "The Mike Gallagher Show."
"It was designed to make sure that employers would drop coverage because it's too expensive, that exchanges would fail, and the government would come in and take over and you'd have single-payer healthcare."
Graham said his idea to solve the problem is to give the power to the states and let them put together their own healthcare programs.
"Collapse and replace may be where we wind up," Graham said. "What I would like to do is take federal dollars, give them to governors with accountability and transparency, and say, 'you design a healthcare system.'"
Graham said he's taken several phone calls since Thursday from governors who said they are excited about his idea.
Senate Republican leaders are still struggling to find enough support to get their healthcare bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, passed in a floor vote. Republicans are hopeful that a vote can take place next week.