Sen. Marco Rubio Tuesday ripped Donald Trump's foreign policy agenda — saying that "If we are not engaged in the world, the price will pay will be much higher in the long run than the price we pay to be engaged."
"It's a lot easier to say let's walk away," the Florida senator and former GOP presidential candidate told the Hudson Institute in Washington,
CNN reports. "It's a lot easier to say for example, why do we give all this money to NATO and these other people do not?
"It's easier to say that than to explain what would happen if you didn't," Rubio said.
Trump has called on other U.S. allies to increase their share of payments to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and has discussed an "America first" policy that would focus more on addressing domestic problems.
Rubio, who dropped out of race in March, said Monday that he was not interested in being Trump's running mate.
"While it is true that there are certainly consequences and complexities presented by our engagement, I still think a world without our engagement is not a world we want to live in," he said.
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