Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, the newly announced presidential candidate, is heading to Texas in search of funds to support his campaign.
The presidential hopeful has plans to travel to Houston on Monday and Dallas on Tuesday to meet with donors in the Lone Star State, Dallas investor George Seay, who is a Rubio supporter and former Texas finance chairman for former Texas Gov Rick Perry's presidential bid in 2012,
told The Texas Tribune.
Following Rubio's Texas trip, the Florida Republican will then travel to Boston and New York for fundraisers.
Seay said that it says a lot about Rubio's support in Texas considering "that this is his third stop" for fundraising in light of the "three people from Texas running [for] president — [Sen.] Ted Cruz, Perry, and [former Florida Gov.] Jeb Bush," who all "have lots of fans down here."
"A lot of people have already signed on and will continue signing on," Seay added.
Rubio received donations from Texan Annette Simmons to his Senate campaign in December, and Kit Moncrief, who is from Fort Worth and was a top donor to the presidential campaign of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in 2012 recently gave to Reclaim America, which is Rubio's pre-campaign organization.
The 43-year-old Florida Republican officially launched his campaign Monday night in Miami. Rubio is pitching himself as the candidate for "our generation." The theme of his campaign is
"A New American Century."