Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., deflected from former interim Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile's claims Hillary Clinton's control of the DNC "rigged" the primary in her favor and rejected the notion of corruption in his party.
"I don’t believe the Democratic Party is corrupt," Warner told CBS's "Face The Nation." "I believe the Democratic Party is best when it's forward leaning."
Host John Dickerson pressed Sen. Warner, the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on whether Democrats have confidence in their party in order to vote in the Virginia governor election Tuesday, which Warner was pushing on "Face The Nation."
"If you don't address the corrupt part, how do you get people to go vote for a Democratic candidate," Dickerson asked Warner.
"I've seen some of the press reports — what I’m a lot more focused on, we've got a really critical election coming up in two days in Virginia where we elect a governor," Warner deflected. ". . . For a lot of folks in Virginia who are frustrated with what’s going on, particularly from this administration, the most important thing they can do is get out and vote on Tuesday and hopefully elect Ralph Northam governor.
". . . I am going to try to help get out the vote, and on Tuesday night, we're going to have a great victory — both from Virginia's standpoint but also sends the message that some of the actions of this president are at least not acceptable in the Commonwealth of Virginia."