The anti-Donald Trump media campaign is piling on the "Hate News" narratives depicting the president as racist, fascist, and favoring hate groups, publishing covers which beg the question who hates who.
Clearly, the media has no love lost for Trump's condemnations of hate groups and counter-protest violence this week – which was spun out of control by the left, author David Horowitz told Newsmax TV.
Next week's The New Yorker cover, which calls the president a "blowhard," showed a cartoonish character sitting in a boat blowing air at a mast that looks like a Ku Klux Klan hood.
It was not very original, considering The Economist cover showed a cartoon Trump shouting into a megaphone which looks like said KKK hood.
Time magazine joined the anti-Trump "Hate News" narrative, too, showing its cover of a man draped in an American flag giving a Nazi salute.
Author David Horowitz told Newsmax TV's "The Schnitt Show" on Thursday that he is not fooled by the leftist media attempts to brand President Trump a leader supportive of hate groups.
"This is a fiction that there's some kind of battle between Nazism and Americans," Horowitz said. "It's cooked up by the left to attack Trump. The Economist magazine, a left wing magazine, has a picture of Trump on the cover with the Ku Klux Klan, being associated with the Klan.
"Donald Trump is, unlike our previous president Obama, is very pro-Israel. And he's the first American president that has Jewish family for crying out tears. This is so ludicrous and ridiculous."