Donald Trump's new chief strategist, Steve Bannon, will "be in charge," at the White House, not incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Fox News' Megyn Kelly predicted Tuesday.
"Trump is entitled to surround himself with the people he most trusts," the Fox News anchor, appearing on ABC's "Good Morning America" while promoting her new book, "Settle for More," told anchor George Stephanopoulos.
"Bannon is the only one that's caused a lot of controversy. It could be awkward, but what I'm hearing is Steve Bannon will be in charge. He's the Trump whisperer."
Trump on Sunday announced his decision to make Bannon his chief strategist and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus his chief of staff, with the intention being the two men work together as his top aides.
Bannon, along with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, joined the campaign in August after the Republican National Convention, and is said to have been behind Trump's tougher stance on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
Trump's decision to name Bannon chief strategist, though, has raised eyebrows and complaints from people based on his tenure as the CEO for the right-wing Breitbart News.
"It is sort of like a tale of two cities, where you've got Reince Priebus, who is more establishment which Trump has been railing against and Stephen Bannon who spent his entire career railing against the establishment," said Kelly Tuesday.
It will be an "unusual situation," said Kelly, as the chief of staff is usually the one in charge, but "we're being told Steve Bannon will really have the ear of Donald Trump. I don't know what that means for Reince Priebus. Maybe President-elect Trump needs somebody who knows how to work the hill and staff decisions."
Even though Bannon is a controversial figure, Kelly continued, "he has advised Donald Trump very well. Trump's campaign was flailing until Bannon came in, who doesn't run political campaigns, but who completely understands these working class Americans who have had it with Washington and the so-called establishment."
There have been many complaints that Bannon is a white supremacist, but Kelly said she doesn't "know there's evidence of that," even considering some of the headlines that have appeared on the Breitbart website.
"His defenders, they're absolutely controversial but what his defenders say is he's not responsible for every single headline that went up on Breitbart while he was the executive chairman and that the website is known for being provocative. So, they're looking for clicks," said Kelly.
"Now, it definitely appeals to a segment of the so-called alt-right which includes some white supremacists, but I don't know you could tar the entire team with that brush, or Steve Bannon with that brush, but there is no question this man is controversial."