Michael Bloomberg has bigger plans for 2020 than running for president – he intends to fund a political operation to defeat President Donald Trump, The Atlantic reported.
The businessman and former New York City mayor – said to be worth $40 billion – has acknowledged he is considering a White House bid in 2020 though he has not officially declared. But according to The Atlantic, the fallback plan either way is to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into a data-centric political operation designed to stop Trump's re-election.
The news outlet reported the operation is seen as a counter to the one Trump's campaign put together in 2016, which reached out to millions of voters in a more targeted, under-the-radar way, and helped deliver the election "by shaping voters' thinking for months and then activating them on Election Day."
"The goal, as it's been put at points in private meetings: 'All the data,'" The Atlantic's Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote.