Michael Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis told Politico Sunday he’s been speaking regularly with John Dean, the former White House counsel to President Richard Nixon who was a key witness for prosecutors in the Watergate scandal.
“I wanted to gain from John’s wisdom,” Davis told Politico.
“I certainly don’t want to raise expectations that Mr. Cohen has anything like the level of deep involvement and detailed knowledge that John Dean had in the Nixon White House as a witness to Nixon’s crimes, but I did see some similarities and wanted to learn from what John went through.”
Cohen is under investigation for bank fraud in excess of $20 million and prosecutors are considering filing charges by the end of August, according to the New York Times.
Authorities are also still looking into whether Cohen violated campaign finance laws for making hush money payments to women who alleged to have had affairs with Trump - he made a $130,000 nondisclosure payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election to ensure her silence - and whether he failed to report income from taxi businesses he and his family owned to the Internal Revenue Service.
The FBI in April raided Cohen’s offices, home and hotel room, and his relationship with the president has soured since. Cohen, who once famously said he would “take a bullet” for the president in July told ABC his first loyalty was to his own family.
Cohen, who may plead guilty rather than face an indictment, has hinted publicly that he is willing to tell prosecutors what he knows in exchange for leniency.
Davis told Politico he and Dean first became friends in the late 1990s when the pair appeared together on MSNBC to comment on President Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings.