Donald Trump made the "right choice for America" by picking Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who had been one of the finalists for the spot, said Friday.
"I think that was really at the back of his mind, was to make sure that this is exactly what he needed to do, and I was very honored to be in the mix," Flynn told Rita Cosby on her
WABC Radio program, "Election Central with Rita Cosby."
"I've spoken to Donald Trump twice in the last 48 hours, and I will tell you, he's an absolute, just a superb leader."
Flynn didn't discuss details about his conversation with Trump, except to say it "was just a good conversation," and that the presumptive GOP nominee wanted him to know what was going on.
The call came on Thursday, the day before Trump announced his decision, through
Twitter, that Pence was his vice presidential pick.
"If your name is in the mix, then you know obviously you don't want to find out about it in the media, and Donald Trump knew that," said Flynn. "He's a big leader, he's a smart leader, and he did exactly what I would have done...I know what he's done is he's picked the right person for the country to be at his side, as the vice president of the United States."
Flynn continued that Trump will surround himself with the "right type of people, and the right skillset, and the right strategic thinkers and doers more importantly, that understand what is going on, and are able to solve some of the big complex problems that we have. The biggest thing, I think, is the ability to think strategically, and act strategically, in a way that we just aren't right now."
When Cosby asked Flynn if he was "sad" that he wasn't picked, he replied that he was happy that he was "in the hunt."
"It was unbelievable for me, Rita, to even be considered," said Cosby. "It's just amazing."
He said he met with Trump last year and has been advising him through the debate season and on other issues. However, he did not comment on whether he's being considered as Trump's pick for Secretary of Defense or another cabinet post.
"So, we'll see what decisions he thinks he needs to make, as we go through the rest of this campaign season," said Flynn, not ruling out that if a position came up, he'd serve.
"What I'm not ruling out is my desire to serve this country," he told Cosby. "That's what I'm not ruling out. I believe that our country is going in the wrong direction, and I have a very strong desire to help out in any way that I can."