Liberal activist film director Michael Moore calls President Donald Trump more dangerous than the coronavirus threat itself, saying the president is propagating "enforced ignorance."
"If you have the president, telling the people that it's a 'hoax,' that there's nothing to worry about, that it will disappear – as he said yesterday – and it'll be a miracle," Moore told MSNBC, asking "Which is more dangerous: a virus or a president who says that?
"Because at least if we were honest and knew everything about the virus and the facts were all out there, science could start to deal with it."
Moore said Trump's expression of a calming response to combat liberal hysteria as the propagation of "enforced ignorance" and must be stopped by his opposition.
"What apparatus do we have to arrest – not arrest as in handcuffs – but to arrest the enforced ignorance that he is propagating here?" Moore concluded.
Moore is unhappy with the White House attempts to contain panic and hysteria over the coronavirus, which has killed its first American on Saturday after killing thousands overseas.
"To pretend that it doesn't exist, to tell people out in Tuscaloosa or Detroit, or whatever, that there's nothing to worry about – and if he's wrong and the World Health Organization is saying it's at the highest risk level – what do you call that man who tells his people that there's nothing to worry about and not only that, but it's made up by the Democrats and the media," Moore said.
"I hear Bernie Sanders say all the time that this is the most dangerous president we've had, yes, you go, you nod – and we've all said this for three years, he's dangerous about this or that, EPA, climate change, this," Moore continued. "But this, forget about politics, forget about Republicans and Democrats and who's running, that is the most dangerous thing I've ever heard a president say in my lifetime, and I just heard it seven minutes ago."