People find it "refreshing" that President Donald Trump called a federal jurist in Seattle a "so-called judge" after he knocked down the president's executive order on immigration,
Vice President Mike Pence said Sunday.
In an interview on NBC News' "Meet The Press," the vice president defended the order halting entry to the United States from travelers in seven Muslim-majority nations, and said Trump was on solid legal ground.
"The president of the United States has every right to criticize the other branch of government, we have a long history of that in our country," Pence said. "I think people find it not only refreshing, [but] that they understand the president's mind and how he feels about things and he expresses himself in a unique way."
Pence said the ruling of federal district court Judge James Robart was "at odds with the federal district court in Boston that upheld the constitutionality."
He added Robart "making decisions about American foreign policy and national security" is "frustrating to the president and the whole administration and millions of Americans who want to see judges that will uphold the law..."