Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid's attack on the Senate floor of Obamacare critics as liars just shows the Democratic Party's desperation, says GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell.
"They're desperate because every single one of them provided the vote that passed Obamacare," the Senate Minority Leader said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's
"The Kelly File."
"It's been a disaster for the country, and they're afraid they're going to pay the price for it this November."
Reid stood on the Senate floor Wednesday blasting ads made by the conservative Koch brothers that feature people who say they have been harmed by the Affordable Care Act. The ads are running in states where Democrats are deemed vulnerable.
"There's plenty of horror stories being told," Reid said. "All of them are untrue, but they're being told all over America," he said.
After backlash by Republicans who accused Reid of calling the people in the ads liars, Reid backtracked somewhat.
"I can't say every one of the Koch brothers ads are a lie. But I'll say this, the vast, vast majority of them are," he said.