Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump is keeping his large lead in the Republican presidential race as it candidates approach Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, according to
Monmouth University poll results released Sunday.
Trump has support from 30 percent of likely Republican voters, the poll shows. Four candidates are clustered together vying for second place.
The results:
- Donald Trump, 30 percent.
- Gov. John Kasich, 14 percent.
- U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, 13 percent.
- Gov. Jeb Bush, 13 percent
- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz at 12 percent.
- Gov. Chris Christie, 6 percent
- Carly Fiorina, 5 percent
- Ben Carson, 4 percent
Bush has gained 9 points since last month’s Monmouth poll in New Hampshire.
On the Democratic side, Sanders has support from 52 percent of likely voters and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton receives support from 42 percent. Last month, Sanders led Clinton by 14 percentage points in Monmouth’s poll.
Just half of likely Republican voters are completely decided on a candidate, according to the poll. Thirty-one percent have a strong preference but are open to other candidates, 12 percent have only a slight preference and 9 percent are undecided.
“While Trump’s placement as the top finisher seems fairly secure at this point, the margin of victory and final order of the remaining candidates are still very much up for grabs,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.