Just days after President Donald Trump asked where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is amid a House recess, the Speaker made herself busy and seen, doing the Sunday rounds on TV, prompting Trump to pick up the shots against her.
Pelosi gave Trump an "F" for failure on coronavirus testing, but Trump shot back Democrats were wrong on ventilators and are wrong on U.S. testing capacity.
Trump tweeted:
"Just like I was right on Ventilators (our Country is now the 'King of Ventilators', other countries are calling asking for help-we will!), I am right on testing. Governors must be able to step up and get the job done. We will be with you ALL THE WAY!"
Trump added in another tweet:
"Nervous Nancy is an inherently 'dumb' person. She wasted all of her time on the Impeachment Hoax. She will be overthrown, either by inside or out, just like her last time as 'Speaker'. Wallace & @FoxNews are on a bad path, watch!"