Donald Trump did not get a lift coming out of last week's GOP convention, according to the latest results from the
NBC News/Survey Monkey tracking poll.
Hillary Clinton still leads Trump by 1 point, 46 percent to 45 percent, according to the results.
However, in the four-way polling with Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Trump owns a 2-point lead over Clinton, 41 to 39, up a point from last week, according to NBC.
Other results:
- 58 percent of Republicans were "More interested" in the GOP convention this year;
- 31 percent of Democrats were "More interested" in last week's convention;
- Trump's approval rating with Republicans stood at 79 percent;
- Of Republicans who followed the convention, 85 percent view Trump more favorable now, up from 70 percent two weeks ago;
- 84 percent of Republicans viewed Trump's convention speech favorably;
- Among Independents, 42 percent have a less favorable view of the GOP following the convention.
The NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll was conducted online July 18-July 24 among a sample of 12,931 adults aged 18 and over who say they are registered to vote, according to NBC News.