The House of Representatives is being transparent about its plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, according to Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, House Ways and Means Committee chairman.
"Unlike Obamacare, where members of this Committee were presented a 794-page bill at midnight for voting mere hours later, the 57-page bill before us today was posted two days ago for all of America to read, Brady said, the Washington Examiner reported.
However, Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., disagreed with Brady on that count, saying the Congressional Budget Office should have analyzed the bill to find out its costs and how many people it would cover.
"To consider a bill of this magnitude without a CBO score is not only puzzling and concerning, but also irresponsible," Neal said.
Brady rejected criticism of the plan that had called it "Obamacare Lite."
"This is Obamacare Gone," Brady said.
Brady has been a frequent critic of Obamacare.
"I don't want any more small businesses or patients or medical device makers to suffer under the burden of Obamacare taxes any more," Brady said in February.