Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she wholeheartedly agreed with Donald Trump's harsh criticism of the press at his Wednesday news conference.
"APPRECIATION fills our heart when our new President exudes our collective red, white and blue courage in the face of purveyors of yellow journalism," Palin wrote on her Facebook page. "Press members have worked as a herd of lost little lazy sheep. The herd is now decimated."
During a raucous question-and-answer meeting with reporters, Trump accused CNN of promoting "fake news," and Jim Acosta, one of cable-news giant's journalists, said one of the president-elect's staffers threatened to kick him out after his roiling back-and-forth exchange with Trump.
Trump also trashed BuzzFeed as "a failing pile of garbage" after the website published an unverified dossier about Trump that contained reports of alleged sexual deviance.
"When Trump takes on corrupt lying lapdog media, it is vindication and validation for those without a microphone who've been shot by reporters engaged in politics of personal destruction," Palin wrote.
"These 'journalists' — bad characters that they are — hurt our nation tremendously; they disrespect those who fought and died to protect America's freedom of the press; they spit upon the graves of our veterans. We deem those reporters and their publications irrelevant now.
"HOPE in this arena soars upon seeing a fearless leader take on injustice . . . America's challenges can now be tackled with seriousness. The impossible burden of dealing with unethical mediums is off our shoulder . . ."
Palin, the 2008 GOP vice-presidential running mate of John McCain, also promised she will get involved with taking on journalism "numbskulls."
"Stay tuned for the next step in finally shooing away the pesky numbskulls in what was once 'mainstream' media. I'm going to do my part. I'll soon announce the most helpful, satisfying, exciting leap YOU can take with me as we help build America's future together," she said.