House Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday it was inappropriate on President Donald Trump's part to ask for former FBI director James Comey's loyalty.
Ryan spoke with MSNBC's Greta Van Susteren and addressed Comey's written testimony that he is expected to read during an appearance in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday.
"Obviously, I don't think that it is [appropriate]," Ryan said. "I think director Comey will get a lot of questions about that tomorrow.
"FBI directors are supposed to be independent, that's something that's very, very critical," Ryan continued. "I think that's why we have a new person that's been announced [to lead the FBI, Christopher] Wray, who seems to fit the bill for an independent prosecutor, career professional type."
Ryan added that FBI directors must be independent and treat their position independently from outside factors.
"This obviously crosses that," Ryan said, alluding to Trump's request of his former top cop.
Comey claimed Trump asked for his loyalty during a January dinner meeting, to which he replied that he would give the president his honesty.