Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump is doing a favor to Democrats by holding the fractured party together, California Sen. Nancy Pelosi says.
"Keep on talking," Pelosi advised Trump on Thursday, according to
The Hill.
Supporters of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton have clashed with their counterparts backing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, but Pelosi said there is "no question" they'll unite coming out of this summer's convention.
"The difference that we have among us all, between the two candidates, is nothing compared to the chasm between us and the Republicans," she said. "And every day when presumptive nominee Trump speaks, it unifies the Democrats more."
Trump's calls for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, for building a border wall and making Mexico pay for it have sparked Democratic ire, and they have called his statements anti-woman and mocking of the disabled.
Some of Trump's words and actions have also split Republicans. Some say they can't support him, while on Thursday, former Bush and Reagan official
Richard Armitage said he will vote for Clinton over Trump.