Rep. Pete King said Monday that he wishes President Donald Trump hadn't tweeted his accusations that former President Barack Obama was behind wiretaps on lines in Trump Tower, but said the House Intelligence Committee will investigate the allegations.
"I'm on the Intelligence Committee and as part of our investigation, we'll cover the allegations by the president as to whether or not there was surveillance, and if there was a wiretap to Trump Tower," the New York Republican told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" program.
"I'm not aware of that but we know there's been an investigation of the campaign, started by individuals in the campaign. It's important for our overall investigation to find out what that included and if it included Trump Tower."
FBI Director James Comey "said no, and I hold great regard for Director Comey," King continued. "It all has to be resolved. I wish the president had not done it via tweet because it's a serious issue.
"As far as I know, there's no evidence showing collusion or conspiracy between anyone in the Russian government or intelligence or part of the Russian apparatus with the Trump campaign. This is an added issue about the encompassing nature of the investigation."
Meanwhile, Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) order information is "almost sacrosanct," said King, but the Trump administration can be briefed on it and learn what the paper trail would be to get a warrant for wiretapping, said King, and he thinks it's important to find out the information.
"The fact that an order may have been issued is not necessarily critical of the Justice Department," said King. "On the other hand, if it shows there's not sufficient evidence or they tried to shoehorn it warrants a full investigation.
"I want to emphasize there's no evidence, assuming there were wiretaps still nothing has shown up anyone in the Trump campaign or in the Russian apparatus."
When asked about if he is concerned about leaks coming out of the White House, King said internal White House gossip coming out is "part of the game." However, news of FISA orders and transcripts of telephone conversations and wiretaps are "almost like an alternative government working against the president."
"I know, for instance, the FBI and Justice Department have to be very concerned on the leaks on FISA warrants, because the FISA court is extremely strict about this," said King. "It's, to use a Catholic term, like a confessional. That's not supposed to be disclosed anywhere except under the most extreme circumstances and court order.
"You can't leak that to the media and it goes beyond investigative reporting, so anyone doing that is part of a serious crime and if they can't keep that secret FISA court will be reluctant to give those warrants."