President Donald Trump did a better job exposing Joe Biden's "flaws" and "policies" during Thursday night's debate, Piers Morgan said.
During an appearance on Fox News Friday morning, Morgan reacted to the second and final presidential debate ahead of the Nov. 3 election.
"The thing that struck me was Donald Trump had a much more measured tone. It was like he muzzled himself. He tamed himself from the ranting beast that we saw in the first debate," said Morgan, an editor-at-large for the Daily Mail and the host of "Good Morning Britain."
"It was much more effective … for exuding more, dare I say, presidential air, which I think many of his allies have been willing him to show in this particularly turbulent year, but also it was more effective in exposing his opponent Joe Biden's flaws."
Morgan added that the head-to-head showdown in Nashville, Tennessee, showed that Trump was more prepared than he was for the first debate last month, which featured shouting from both sides of the stage and several interruptions by Trump.
It was a "calmer, more reasoned debate, where it was clear that President Trump was better prepped I think than he has been before. It allowed people to focus a lot more clearly on Joe Biden and his policies," Morgan said.
"And I thought one of the most effective tools of Donald Trump's tactics last night was when he kept referring to Joe Biden … he said well look, you keep saying you're gonna do all this stuff, it does beg the question [of] why didn't you do it in the eight years that you were vice president? And he goaded him so successfully that eventually Joe Biden chucked [former President Barack] Obama under the bus and said on the immigration issue, well you know, I'm gonna be president next time, not vice president, we didn't do enough.
"That was a big moment, I felt, for Trump."