In an unprecedented number, the majority of Americans have an unfavorable view of Obamacare, according to a new survey.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation's healthcare poll for July reveals that 53 percent of Americans disapprove of the Affordable Care Act, an increase of 8 percentage points since the June survey.
The rating reflects the largest amount of Americans disliking Obamacare since the law was passed in 2010 and the foundation began tracking it monthly for public reaction.
The poll results mark the fifth time since April 2010, and the first time since January, that at least half of Americans disapprove of the healthcare reform law, according to
the Huffington Post.
The poll also revealed that the number of Americans who give Obamacare the thumbs up fell marginally to 37 percent, which is the worst favorability rating the law has been given by the public since it became law.
The Kaiser study also indicated that although more than half of Americans had not discussed Obamacare with family or friends, those who did to talk to others "heard mostly bad things" about it, 27 percent, while 14 percent said they had heard a mixture of "good and bad things."
Although the GOP has denounced the law and has been pushing to repeal and replace it, Americans do not think that Obamacare should be repaired and not repealed. Sixty percent are in favor of fixing it while 35 percent say it's beyond repair and should be sent to the scrap yard.
When it comes to party lines, 86 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of independents think it should be improved while 66 percent of Republicans want to dump it entirely.
The poll also studied American reaction to the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling that allows certain private companies to refuse to pay for healthcare insurance coverage of contraceptives based on their religious beliefs.
Americans were evenly split between those who approve and disapprove of the decision, with little margin between women and men, but deep divisions by party identification, ideology, and religious affiliation.
"In terms of the potential consequences, a majority believes it is likely to prompt employers to try and deny their workers coverage of other types of healthcare services on religious grounds, and 45 percent believe the ruling will make it more difficult for women to obtain prescription birth control — a share that rises to more than six in ten among women under the age of 35," Kaiser said.