Donald Trump is tied with Hillary Clinton in Ohio and in a virtual dead heat in Iowa, according to the latest
NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
The candidates are deadlocked at 39 percent each in Ohio despite the fact that Trump garnered
zero percent of the black vote; nearly 100 black voters were polled and 88 percent said they would vote for Clinton.
The poll shows Clinton leading Trump in Iowa by 3 points, but that's within the 3.4 margin of error. Trump has battled back from an 8-point deficit to Clinton in the January poll.
Among the other poll results:
- Pennsylvania: Clinton leads Trump 45 percent to 36 percent, down from the 15-point lead she had in April;
- Ohio: 21 percent polled said neither or undecided;
- Iowa: 18 percent polled said neither or undecided;
- Pennsylvania: 19 percent polled said neither or undecided;
- Pennsylvania black vote: 91 percent for Clinton vs. zero percent for Trump;
- Pennsylvania white vote: Trump-Clinton tied at 40 percent each;
- Ohio white vote: Trump leads Clinton 43 percent to 33 percent.
The candidates' favorable/unfavorable numbers in the three states are also neck-and-neck:
- Clinton 34 percent favorable, 61 percent unfavorable;
- Trump 31 percent favorable, 61 percent unfavorable.
- Clinton 33 percent favorable, 62 percent unfavorable;
- Trump 32 percent favorable, 61 percent unfavorable.
- Clinton 39 percent favorable, 55 percent unfavorable;
- Trump 29 percent favorable, 62 percent unfavorable.
When added to the polling, Libertarian Gary Johnson sees his highest support in Ohio at 9 percent, followed by 8 percent in Pennsylvania and 7 percent in Iowa.